Don't delay getting the relief you've been searching for. We can help now!
Do you suffer from sore feet?
Welcome to Correct-A-Step, the most important step you can take to find relief for your poor tired aching feet, knees, hips and back. Our custom fit orthotics provide your body with the missing ingredient to make that pain disappear naturally and stay away.

Our Custom Fit Orthotics provide immediate foot, leg and back pain relief. Don't take our word for it, look at what just a few of our more than 100,000 customers have to say...
I am so thankful that I met you at the Home Show and learned about CORRECT-A-STEP. I couldn’t believe just by putting CORRECT-A-STEP inserts in my shoes that I got up easily out of the chair and could walk as far as I did that night. If I don’t have them in my shoes I can really tell the difference so I wear the CORRECT-A-STEP inserts all the time. I have recommended them to my friends and family.
I had a terrible pain in my right foot from a bone spur brought on by planter fasciitis. I mentioned to you that I had a trip to Disney World planned in two weeks and was concerned I’d never survive it…You slipped the Slim Line Orthotics into my shoes and asked me to walk around a bit. I returned to your booth with tears streaming down my face! It was the first time in a year that I’d been able to walk pain free! With the cost of Disney World on the horizon, I reluctantly paid the $300 for the insoles. Your insoles saved my trip! There is no way I could have EVER survived 6 days of continual walking (and at times running) through Disney and Universal Studios had it not been for these insoles! They are incredible and the best $300 I’ve ever spent on myself!!! Thanks for doing what you do and keep up the good work – you’ve been a life saver to me!!!
A. McMunn, Missouri
I tried the slim-line orthotics on at a home and garden trade show. They felt great on my feet right away, but they bothered my left knee that I’ve had issues with for over 30 years. I have very little cartilage left in that knee and it always hurts when I walk. It started to hurt worse after a couple days of wearing the inserts, but I was determined to stick it out because my feet felt so much better. All of a sudden, after 2 weeks of wearing the inserts every day, I realized my knee wasn’t hurting while I walked. In fact it was feeling better than it has since it was operated on 30 years ago! I didn’t expect that to happen, but I am very happy it did. You both made me a believer!
Warren M., Asheville, NC
We Have The Orthotic That Fits Your Needs...

People suffer from many different foot ailments, but for all intensive purposes, do not relate their bio-mechanical problems to their feet! Calluses, corns, ankles, heel pain, knee, hip, back, neck and shoulder pain, and even headaches, can originate from the feet.
Correctly supporting your arches can alleviate discomfort from your feet all the way up your legs, through your knees and into your hips and back. Proper support can relieve pain all the way up to the shoulders and neck.
By balancing out the natural arches of your feet, many, if not all, of the above problems can be reduced or eliminated. We have a saying…”Take care of your feet and they will take care of you!”
CORRECT-A-STEP Advanced Stabilizers and Thinthotics enable natural heel-to-toe rolling of the foot through the resilient support of the Longitudinal and Traverse Arch
We've Made It Easy For You To Receive Your Custom Fit Pair...

Select your orthotic and complete your purchase. Your impression kit will arrive within 7 days. The kit will allow us to measure your arches.

After you receive your kit, carefully follow the enclosed instructions. When finished, let them dry before placing them into an envelope and mailing.

When your orthotics arrive, follow the written instructions and recommended wearing schedule. Your feet will feel the difference immediately!