Foot Characteristics

I recently read an article entitled “Foot Characteristics” in my PFA (Pedorthic Footcare Association) magazine and wanted to share a paragraph with you…

Foot characteristicsFeet lengthen, shorten, expand and contract during motion, thousands of times a day. They also get longer and broader as people get older. But while your feet change continuously, your shoes don’t. That’s what makes it important to get your feet measured each time you shop for shoes; it provides the salesperson with a “baseline” that allows him/her to match your foot’s characteristics with shoes designed for those characteristics. Foot length, width, girth, arch height and natural padding are all factors. So is the activity for which you are buying the shoes.

I’d like to add that it is really important if you are wearing custom made or fit orthotics, you must bring a “marriage” between them and your new shoes, so always be certain to have your orthotics with when purchasing new shoes.


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